Tutors : Tolulope Onabolu
Projected Completed in conjunction with Callum Rowland, Do Park, Alan Lock and Hailey Oliver
The Hypo Alp Adria Centre
Located in Klagenfurt Austria , the building serves a variety of functions on the edge of the urban and rural fringe. Learning  from this building helped inform future design decisions.
Modelling the building in both the virtual and physical realm allowed for twice the amount of understanding .  Learning to understand morphosis through drawing was a crucial step in getting to know the topic better.
A Staircase to nowhere
A Staircase to nowhere
Protruding Volumes
Protruding Volumes
Street facing facade
Street facing facade
Aerial View of the Complex
Aerial View of the Complex
Detailed Facade design
Detailed Facade design
Summer shading louvres
Summer shading louvres
Drawing Morphosis
The study of morphosis buildings in conjunction with data analysis informs possible design ideas. Redrawing and appropriating these large scale and abstracted architectural projects, brought an insight into the methods of solving and drawing complex architectural programmes. Both regarding  form and function.
Gaining key insights from this project , such a the way the architects articulate space within a seemingly complex building. In drawing and redrawing, core principals such as dimensions, scale and proportion were brought to the forefront. All skills vital to re interpreting a futuristic morphosis building.
First Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Fourth Floor Plan
Fourth Floor Plan
Roof Plan
Roof Plan
Model making exercises
Conducting a form excersise to discover in what ways different levels interact with each other. Architectural volumes were considered beside each other to recognise the unique spaces created.
Sorting Big Data
A Desktop Survey and Data Analytics of the Geological, Climatic, Environmental, Tidal, Commercial and Infrastructural conditions of Mallaig Harbour was carried out. The primary means of investigation were the analysis of Reports and Databases.
Using softwares such as QGIS, MySQL as well as Microsoft Excel we began to sort big data. Displaying it numerically as well as visually we aimed to communicate our investigation clearly. Using this information a scenario was developed for the third stage of the project.  
In conjunction with the understanding of exemplar Morphosis buildings we under took a design methodology investigating Mallaig.
Key high points on the coast mapped with depth points in the water
Key high points on the coast mapped with depth points in the water
Connectivity drawing of Mallaig and surrounding
Connectivity drawing of Mallaig and surrounding
Water depth drawing along side ground elevation
Water depth drawing along side ground elevation
Scenario Building
Focusing on Water as the theme of the project Mallaig posed a variety of options on what it could be a 100 years from now. Coupled with our data analysis we were surprised to find a large concentration of large aquatic mammals within the Mallaig area.
So what? ...
Imagine... One hundred years from now, when the earth is warming up at speeds much faster than fathomable , the drive to survive sends man and beast alike to the extremes of the poles. Mallaig harbour, already an area of high concentration of aquatic life, thrives as a paradise for cooler waters for large sea mammals to survive.
The World in 2016
The World in 2016
The World in 2046
The World in 2046
The World in 2086
The World in 2086
The World in 2116
The World in 2116
Mallaig Harbour
With the increase in world temperatures man kind has evolved from omnivorous to carnivorous mammals, relying solely on genetically modified meats to feed the 11 billion people population squeezed into half of the earths area as of 2116.
The year 2116 moulds Mallaig harbour to become a thriving industrial city responsible for the export of sea food. Keeping in mind the sea food refers to the fishing of large aquatic mammals such as the sperm whale.
Mallaig Shipping Routes Out
Mallaig Shipping Routes Out
World Shipping Routes with Major ports
World Shipping Routes with Major ports
Sonar Tracing to lead whales to the Bay of Death
Sonar Tracing to lead whales to the Bay of Death
UK - US - Europe Shipping routes
UK - US - Europe Shipping routes
Sonar Tracing along the northern Atlantic Ocean
Sonar Tracing along the northern Atlantic Ocean
Using modern day technology that guides these massive sea beasts to the shore of Mallaig becomes a spectacle in itself. Much like we have chicken in our times today, the killing of whales would be just another normal process in Mallaig of 2116. Driven by hyper capitalism the sperm whale is stripped to its bare essentials and harvested for the “gold of the sea” - Ambergris. The milion dollar product used in cosmetics, initially found on the sea bed due to natural causes is now extracted from the whale in order to harvest the maximum yield. No humane treatment is necessary in this world where humans have been pushed to the limits of survival. Humankind's thirst to live a comfortable life drives him again to dominate all that is around them. 
Configuring the Factory
Configuring the Factory
Within the Tower
Within the Tower
Section | The whales are ramped up from the Lagoon of Death
Section | The whales are ramped up from the Lagoon of Death
Section | The Ambergris Tower stands beside the factory floor
Section | The Ambergris Tower stands beside the factory floor
Master Planning the Northern tip of Mallaig
Master Planning the Northern tip of Mallaig
Mallaig 2016 | Pre Whale Industrialisation
Mallaig 2016 | Pre Whale Industrialisation
Mallaig 2116 | Post Whale Industrialisation
Mallaig 2116 | Post Whale Industrialisation
An Addition to the Factory
As a last part of the project, complementing the industrial side of this 100 year horror, the project looks to imagine what retail and entertainment may look like. Here, mixed use towers emerge from the waters housing wealthy tenants giving them a view away from the lagoon of death and into the ocean. The developments house a platform at its lowest level where people can view and swim from into a open sea aquarium. Envisioned to be an aquatic zoo, the tanks would hold precious sea life for residents to observe as they swim around them. Hyper capitalism allows for this disturbing view point towards nature and all life not human.
The Aquatic Zoo tanks
The Aquatic Zoo tanks
Aerial View of maintenance carried out on the tanks
Aerial View of maintenance carried out on the tanks
A bustling neighbourhood of the aquatic zoo and its residents
A bustling neighbourhood of the aquatic zoo and its residents
The Anatomy of a Sperm Whale
The Anatomy of a Sperm Whale

Other projects include

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